Manual Concepts Certificate in Spinal Manual Therapy
The course will cover the anatomical, physiological and functional basis to the evaluation of pain disorders of the spine. Of special interest will be clinical practice, emphasizing clinical examination, evaluation, interpretation, differential diagnosis and management. Evidence based practice is an essential component of the programme, but evidence can only be used when it exists at a satisfactory level of quality, and unfortunately there are still aspects of manual therapy that have not be adequately investigated. This course emphasizes an evidence-based approach to spinal manual therapy, incorporating classification of spinal pain disorders and subsequent sub-category based manual therapy management strategies.
This course will be conducted in lecture, tutorial and workshop format for the clinician or academic who is interested in manual therapy, manual medicine or musculoskeletal medicine. It is anticipated that the course content will be suitable to individuals who are seeking new knowledge, to individuals seeking to expand their knowledge and to those individuals seeking the stimulation of clinical interaction. Whilst the course will be presented at a high level this should not be seen as a barrier to participation for those with little or with no previous experience in this special area. As a result of attending the course it is anticipated that participants will gain personal satisfaction as in a variety of ways that will enhance their individual requirements. There are therefore no pre-requisites for participation.
Course objectives
At the completion of the eight-day program the participants will:
- Be conversant in clinically relevant developments in anatomy, pathoanatomy and age related changes of the spinal column.
- Have a clear understanding of pain mechanisms, and their clinical relevance, and gain appropriate understanding of measures to address a variety of acute, chronic, and complex pain disorders.
- Be conversant with current evidence and clinical reasoning processes with respect to spinal manual therapy.
- Be proficient in applying spinal joint, neural and muscle examination procedures.
- Be proficient in determining a differential diagnosis based on an integrated examination of the joint, muscle and neural systems of the spine and pelvis.
- Be able to formulate the most appropriate and effective manual therapy management program suitable for the assessed condition.
- Be proficient in applying an appropriate diagnostic specific manual therapy treatment strategy incorporating manual treatment techniques and specific exercises.
Course Overview
This manual therapy programme is aimed at merging the examination of the joint, muscle and neural systems into an integrated wholistic examination procedure. We place strong emphasis on teaching clinicians the ability to perform an accurate and specific manual therapy examination of the spine and pelvis, which is based on current best evidence knowledge of anatomy, pathoanatomy, pathophysiology, and pain mechanisms.
The examination process developed by Manual Concepts draws on the work of many different concepts in manual therapy. We believe that an eclectic approach, drawing on different concepts of examination and treatment, provides a more realistic, effective approach to the management of a vast range of spinal pain disorders.
Joint System
As part of the assessment of the joint system we aim to teach a range of articular testing procedures to include pain provocative tests for specific structures as well as tests to determine specific motion segment dysfunction. A significant aspect of the assessment procedure is the use of combined movements. Equally important is the use of specific passive segmental motion testing and provocative tests for pain reproduction. Current research demonstrates that identification of joint hypo/hyper mobility and subsequent treatment based on this classification improves treatment outcomes.
Neural System
Disorder of the neural system is commonplace in musculoskeletal pain disorders, and so examination of the neural system forms an essential element of the physical examination. However not all neural disorders respond to neural mobilisation techniques. Hence it is essential that the treating clinician has a good understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying neural pain problems to understand how to effectively manage them. As part of the course a comprehensive overview of neural tissue pain disorders will be presented to enable differential diagnosis and classification of 3, treatment specific, sub-classifications:
- Neuropathic pain with sensory hypersensitivity
- Peripheral nerve trunk sensitisation, and
- Neuropathic pain with nerve root compression (fascicular damage).
- Assessment to identify these problems will be demonstrated and practiced.
- The clinical relevance of classifying will be presented, particularly in relation to management.
Muscle System
An emphasis of this programme is a functional approach to the assessment of the spinal motor control. As well we address the theoretical concept of spinal instability and the signs and symptoms that are commonly found on clinical examination of motor control impairment. It is important to recognize that not all patients require motor control retraining. There is ample evidence to suggest that only a small proportion of patient have instability. Treating all chronic low back pain patients with stabilization exercise through specific multifidus and transversus abdominis exercise is not appropriate and the literature shows this does not work. Determining which patients require motor control re-education is an important part of this programme. A systematic graded, functional approach to the management of patients with spinal motor control impairment will be taught.
A core principle of the programme is the ongoing analysis of the examination findings from the subjective and physical examination procedures. To ascertain an appropriate manual therapy diagnosis critical analysis is developed through clinical reasoning applied to specific case studies.
This programme does not provide the participants with a recipe approach to treatment. Clinicians will be able to develop though sound methodology, appropriate treatment strategies with logical progression over time.
There is no pre-requisite in terms of manual therapy experience. The programme offers a high level of information and clinical expertise, providing all participants regardless of previous clinical experience and knowledge with a stimulating learning environment. Previous programme participants have recommended the Certificate in Spinal Manual Therapy. They have reported excellent feedback in terms of material content, presenters’ knowledge, and practical supervision.
Kim Robinson
B App Sci (Physio), Grad Dip Manip Ther(Distinctions). Fellow of the Australian College of Physiotherapists (FACP). Specialist musculoskeletal physiotherapist. Adjunct Senior Teaching Fellow (Curtin University). Senior Teaching Fellow (The University of Western Australia). Accredited Mulligan Concept Teacher. Director of Manual Concepts.
Kim Robinson has developed a reputation as a leading figure in manual therapy education. He was formerly a lecturer and clinical teacher on the Postgraduate Diploma and Master in Manipulative Therapy programmes at Curtin University of Technology for many years before establishing Manual Concepts. He now conducts a variety of clinical workshops and courses, based on current research and evidence, throughout Australia and in many countries around the world.
Kim is an active member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association and the Musculoskeletal Physiotherapists Association of Australia. Kim has gained membership to the Australian College of Physiotherapists as a specialist musculoskeletal physiotherapist.
Kim is an accredited teacher of the Mulligan Concept and a member of the International Mulligan Concept Teachers Association. His research interests and publications include manual diagnosis, cervicogenic headache, neck pain and the application of the Mulligan Concept.
Dr. Toby Hall
PhD, MSc, Post Grad Dip, Manip Ther. FACP. Adjunct, Associate Professor (Curtin). Snr Teaching Fellow (Univ of WA) Specialist MSK Physiotherapist. Fellow of the Australian College of Physiotherapists (FACP) Accredited Mulligan Concept Teacher. Director of Manual Concepts.
Toby Hall completed Curtin University's Post Grad Diploma in Manipulative Therapy in 1990, a Master of Science in 1996, and a PhD in 2010. He has taught on Curtin University’s Manual Therapy programs, and lectured extensively within Australia and many overseas countries. He is extensively involved in research at Curtin University. Toby has presented at many conferences, published a range of book chapters and 80+ articles related to research in the area of neural tissue dysfunction, cervicogenic headache and the Mulligan Concept. He is the editor of 2 textbooks: Mulligan’s Mobilisation With Movement: The art and the science & The Mulligan Concept of Manual Therapy: Textbook of techniques. He reviews for many journals.
Dr. Vaidas Stalioraitis
MSc, Fellow of the Australian College of Physiotherapists (FACP), Accredited Mulligan Concept, Practitioner. Manual Concepts Faculty Teaching Staff
Vaidas graduated as a physiotherapist 20 years ago in Europe & completed his Graduate entry MSc & MSc in manual therapy at Curtin University. He recently completed the intensive 2 year programme to become a Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist and has also qualified as a Mulligan Concept teacher. Vaidas has been working with Manual Concepts for 7 years., contributing towards the Cert in Orthopaedic Manual Therapy, Cert in Advanced Sports Rehabilitation, & Cert in Spinal Manual Therapy.
Course planning
- 08:30 - 09:00: Registration with coffee and tea