Women sport has gained popularity over the last few years, triggering researchers to explore and seek for findings which could help develop the knowledge already available on female athletes. Women have one distinctive characteristic: the menstrual cycle and its hormonal variations. Few studies have focused on the menstrual cycle and injuries. Therefore, I decided to focus on this aspect for my Master’s Thesis. This webinar will provide participants with knowledge about the menstrual cycle, the relation between the menstrual cycle and injuries as well as my thesis’ results. Practical applications will be discussed, in addition to the need for further research in the future.
Cursus planning
On demand
- Online
Ganaëlle Rigondaud
3 punten (Stichting Keurmerk Fysiotherapie)3 punten (Pro-Q-Kine)3 punten (Kwaliteitshuis Fysiotherapie Vakinhoudelijk algemeen)