On demand

  • 03 November 2021


  • Online
  • Kieran O'Sullivan PhD
  • English
  • 4 points (Pro-Q-Kine)
    3 points (Kwaliteitshuis Fysiotherapie Vakinhoudelijk algemeen)
    3 points (Kwaliteitshuis Fysiotherapie Sportfysiotherapie)
    3 points (Kwaliteitshuis Fysiotherapie Manueelfysiotherapie)
    3 points (Kwaliteitshuis Fysiotherapie Psychosomatische fysiotherapie)
    4 points (Pro-Q-Kine Manuele therapie)

International guidelines consistently recommend similar treatments for musculoskeletal pain disorders such as persistent low back pain, such as exercise and education. There is less agreement, and much opinion, on the specific details of what these should include e.g. what kind of education, in what format, which exercise, what can passive treatments offer and how etc.


This webinar will encourage clinicians to reflect on: 

(1) what we mean by ‘education’, and how it might vary depending on the audience

(2) what we mean by terms such as ‘exercise’ and ‘activity’, how we select specific parameters (type, dosage, supervision etc)

(3) what we can say about other options e.g. surgery, medication, manual therapy

(4) what we do, and do not, know about what changes among people with persistent spinal pain when they report less pain and disability after treatment

Course planning

  • 20:00 - 20:02: Introduction
  • 20:02 - 21:30: Webinar
  • 21:30 - 22:00: Q&A
  • 22:00 - 22:30: Exam
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Kieran O'Sullivan PhD
Kieran O'Sullivan PhD
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