Scapulothoracic Dysfunction: Causative Factor or Innocent Bystander in Shoulder Complaints? An Update.
The scapula is considered a crucial link in the kinetic chain for the function of the upper limb. Various tasks or roles are attributed to scapular function, such as ensuring dynamic glenohumeral stability, maintaining the optimal length-tension relationship in the glenohumeral muscles, and transmitting and enhancing kinetic energy from the trunk to the upper limb.
Like most phenomena in physiotherapy, there has been varying attention to scapular dysfunction in the context of shoulder complaints, ranging from neglect to admiration, to now respecting the scapula in relation to shoulder issues and rehabilitation.
Learning goals
The goal of this webinar is to provide an update on the insights regarding scapular involvement in shoulder complaints (and the cause-and-effect relationship), as well as to formulate practical guidelines for exercise therapy for scapular dysfunction. These guidelines are based on the most recent insights from the literature and clinical experiences within this domain.
This webinar is accredited for Kwaliteitshuis Fysiotherapie (KNGF and Keurmerk) and Pro-Q-Kine.
Course planning
- 20:00 - 21:30: Webinar
- 21:30 - 22:00: Q&A
- 22:00 - 22:30: Exam
On demand
- Online
Ann Cools
4 points (Pro-Q-Kine)3 points (Kwaliteitshuis Fysiotherapie Vakinhoudelijk algemeen)