05 October 2024 (2 days)
- 05-10-2024: 09:00 - 17:30
- 06-10-2024: 09:00 - 17:30
- Het Omnium
- Paul Venner MSc
- Dutch
12 points (Kwaliteitshuis Fysiotherapie Vakinhoudelijk algemeen)12 points (Kwaliteitshuis Fysiotherapie Sportfysiotherapie)
Dynamic Stability Training
The concepts of 'dynamic stability', 'ecological dynamics', and 'dynamic systems theory' are becoming increasingly popular within musculoskeletal rehabilitation. Dynamic Stability Training is a proven training concept that enhances dynamic stability and the quality of movement patterns by disturbing them with unpredictable forces using water-filled training materials, resistance bands, and manual perturbation.
By applying this process methodologically, the quality of movement is improved through increased adaptability, resilience, and robustness. During these practical training days, diverse exercise forms are offered to enhance dynamic stability, aiming to improve the general daily functioning of patients, recreational or (semi)-professional athletes.
Based on the latest scientific insights in motor learning and motor control, and 'best practice' experiences from elite sports to elderly fall prevention, various new exercise forms will be demonstrated and practiced for numerous pathologies and situations with limited functioning.
Much emphasis is also placed on the participants' skill in performing exercises and adjusting training material based on individual execution using the 'constraints-led approach' and OPTIMAL theory; the so-called TOP approach. The theory is directly applied in practice and translated into concrete exercises. This way, you will work on your movement skills as well as movement analysis and coaching skills.
By the end of these days, you will be inspired with new practical insights and applications of exercises and will be able to creatively apply and adapt them within your own work setting.
Learning Objectives:
- Deepening scientific background and practical application of relevant aspects of anatomy, biomechanics, motor learning, motor control, and ecological dynamics.
- Screening functional movement regarding active dynamic stability per body part.
- Applying exercises per joint to improve active dynamic stability per body part.
- Applying progression/regressions of exercises per individual based on the Constraints-Led Approach (TOP approach).
- Applying the OPTIMAL motor learning theory in practice (Wulf, 2016).
- Improving your own movement and coaching skills.
A combination of direct instruction (presentation and setting up of work forms) with active, collaborative, and differential learning (by experiencing the exercises yourself as a participant and discussing and adapting them in groups according to circumstances).
Course planning
- 08:30 - 09:00: Registration with coffee and tea