Ivo Lutke Schipholt is a PhD candidate at the faculty Behavioural and Movement Sciences at the VU University Amsterdam. He investigates various inflammatory markers in the blood and spinal cord in patients with persistent pain. Using PET-CT neuroimaging, the role of neuroinflammation in cervical radiculopathy will be explored. Finally, he examined whether conservative treatment positively influence these neuroimmune responses.
At the master’s program Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Sciences at the VU he is involved in the course pain, body and mind, providing master students sufficient knowledge into the neuroimmune system and musculoskeletal pain.
In addition to his academic tasks, he works part time as a musculoskeletal physiotherapists treating mostly patients with spinal pain.

Webinar Ivo Lutke Schipholt PhD i.o. An introduction into exercise immunology and neuromusculoskeletal pain
Ivo Lutke Schipholt3 punten (Pro-Q-Kine) | |
3 punten (Kwaliteitshuis Fysiotherapie Vakinhoudelijk algemeen) | |
3 punten (Pro-Q-Kine Manuele therapie) |