Bart lives in Haarlem where he works in private multidisciplinary practice (Praktijk Noorder Spaarne) and specialises in treating and supporting people with chronic pain.
In 2010 Bart completed his Masters in Physiotherapy after which he developed a special interest in complex and persistent pain states. He is passionate about the benefits of pain education for both clinician and patient and he is currently involved in research at Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, working on the development of an Explain Pain curriculum for clinicians and patients. This research includes a RCT in an CBT + Explain Pain intervention in order to fit the Explain Pain heritage in the usual care program of a multidisciplinary pain centre.
In the near future he will be enrolled in a Phd program in order to get Explain Pain methodology to a higher level and even more applicable for the clinicians.
Bart teaches physiotherapy both at undergraduate and postgraduate level with a focus on pain topics and as a NOI teacher he teaches Explain Pain courses across the Netherlands. Bart is responsible for founding the NOI Faculty in the Netherlands and together with Mark Langerhorst he translated the 'Explain Pain’ text into Dutch.