James Earls is a writer, lecturer and bodyworker, specialising in Myofascial Release and Structural Integration. In recent years he has concentrated on blending movement with manual therapy to create a new approach, ‘Active Fascial Release’.

Increasing the understanding and practice of manual therapy has been a passion of James’ since he first started practicing bodywork over 25 years ago. Throughout his career James has travelled widely to learn from the best educators in his field, including Thomas Myers, Art Riggs, and Gary Gray. James worked alongside Tom Myers to co-author “Fascial Release for Structural Balance”, a definitive guide to the assessment and manipulation of fascial patterns. James’ vision of what manual therapy could look like in the 21st century led to the founding of Anatomy Trains UK and Ultimate Massage Solutions in the early 2000’s.

James is now concentrating on finding new approaches to understanding how to apply movement and myofascial principles to bodywork.

Having helped build the reputation of Anatomy Trains for Tom Myers through the UK, Europe and worldwide, James now teaches a range of his own courses and is a regular lecturer at conferences and workshops around the globe. Renowned for his relaxed and humorous style, James is a popular presenter whose subject is applicable for a wide-ranging audience that includes osteopaths, physiotherapists, massage therapists and movement therapists.

James has collaborated with some of the top researchers in bodywork and fascial theory and is has been involved in a number of projects involving research into fascia, movement and treatment modalities. James’ blend of movement and fascial understanding led to the publication of his well-received “Born to Walk”, an introduction to the interconnected mechanics of the body.


On demand webinar

Webinar James Earls MSc: What's the Use of Soft Tissue

James Earls MSc
24 July 2020
On demand
3 points (Stichting Keurmerk Fysiotherapie)
3 points (Kwaliteitshuis Fysiotherapie Vakinhoudelijk algemeen)
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