On demand

  • 28 September 2022


  • Online
  • Robert Schleip PhD
  • English
  • 3 points (Stichting Keurmerk Fysiotherapie)
    3 points (Kwaliteitshuis Fysiotherapie Vakinhoudelijk algemeen)

Fascial connective tissues - now including joint capsules, ligaments and tendons - play more substantial roles in sports and movement orchestration than previously assumed. Thanks to new assessment technologies new discoveries in this dynamic research area are revealed every few weeks. This webinar will cover some of those novel insights which have clear clinical implications for sports therapists, yoga instructors, Pilates or dance trainers, fitness experts, athletic trainers, and everybody else who wants to improve their understanding of the moving body from a fascial perspective.

Contents include among others elastic recoil versus dampening properties; role of nutrition; interaction between proprioception; noci- and interoception; implications of the recent Nobel award in medicine; best loading protocols to enhance collagen synthesis and/or synthesis of pro/anti-inflammatory cytokines; how to enhance wound regeneration; and other news which will be revealed in the weeks/months before this webinar. 

Course planning

  • 20:00 - 22:30: Webinar
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